1. Name
    Email Address

2. Character Name



3. Give us an idea of your MUSH, MOO, MUX exerpiance. How long have you been playing in a role playing envirnoment. MUDs or PC Games do NOT count. Tell us about the Wookie you play on the Star Wars MUSH or the Vulcan you play on a Star Trek based MUSH...:) Just not your hack and slash Doom guy on Doom II. :)

4. Give us in detail how you plan to play the character. Minium 20 lines. (This is the most important part of the application, so the more detail you can give the better. It gives us an idea on if you know the ins and outs of the character you wish to apply for. Let us know his or her goals. What their likes and dislikes are. How they interact with his or her faction members, commanders, and other factions.  Also give us a sample pose of a situation the character is in. Note: Do not go into great length on how your character behaves in a combat situation.)

5.  What are his or her’s strengths and weaknesses? (Do not go into great detail about how powerful his or her weapons are.)

6. How does your character interact with his faction?

7. Why do you want this character?

8. What do you think a twink or power munchking is?
 9. A sample pose of what your character would do, not what your character wouldn't do. Ei: Kill

While these questions are only optinonal, they allow for the staff to see how you the players feel about the MUSH so we the staff can make improvements to suit the needs of *YOU* the player.  These questions are not to castize anybody.

1. What do you like and dislike about this MUSH?

2. If you were in charge of the MUSH what changes would you make?

3. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the MUSH?

----------------------------------------------PCC Questions-----------------------------

9. Character Background.

10. Faction


(+finger Shockwave for an example.)

Stats range from 1 to 10. With one being the lowest, and ten being the highest. 10’s will require extensive justification to be approved.

Any stats above 5 require justification.

Any attacks above 4 also require justification.

ALL abilities and effects must be justified.
Average size for Generation 1 Transformers is a size 5. .

Average size for humans is 3.

Remember Triple Changers are rare,  so you will need to give an excellent justification as to why you have this mode.

============================ Profile for New Char ============================

                              -*- Statistics -*-

               Strength      -               Intelligence  -
               Speed         -               Rank          -
               Endurance     -               Courage       -
               Skill         -               Technical     -
               Firepower     -

                                -*- Powers -*-


For information on the following, type news sizes, news velocity, news sizes, news attacks, and news abilities. Skills are to enhance the role playing potential of your characters. Please keep them limited to 5 any more should be placed upon anything you have mentioned in your application.

While there is no point system here, please be within reason.


 Send all applications to alteredhorizons@yahoo.com. You will get a response in less than a week. EFC applications will require a closing date and audition, so approval time for those will be longer than most characters.

Thank You --- Transformers Altered Horizons Administration